Rocket Ship Storytime
Continuing on in my quest to provide storytime themes for this Summer Reading themes – A Universe of Stories, here’s my next storytime all about rocket ships!
Storytime Plan
Bread & Butter
Bread and butter
Marmalade and Jam
Let’s say hello as quiet as we can (whisper: hello)
…loud as we can
…slow as we can
…fast as we can
…high as we can
…low as we can
…nice as we can (big smile!)
- Chicken in Space by Adam Lehraupt
- I Want to Be an Astronaut by Byron Barton
- Zoom, Rocket, Zoom! by Margaret Mayo
- Higher! Higher! by Leslie Patricelli
Climb Aboard the Spaceship – Jbrary
Tune: The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Climb aboard the spaceship,
We’re going to the moon.
hurry and get ready,
We’re going to blast off soon.
Put on your helmets
And buckle up real tight.
Here comes the countdown,
Let’s count with all our might.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1—BLAST OFF!!
Five Little Rockets (flannelboard)
Five Little Rockets zooming off in space.
The 1st rocket said, ‘Let’s have a race’.
The 2nd rocket said, ‘Line up in a row’.
The 3rd rocket said, ‘Ready, set, go’.
The 4th rocket said, ‘Beep, Beep, Beep.’.
The 5th rocket said, ‘You can’t catch me’.
Then roar went their engines and blink went their lights and five little rockets zoomed out of sight.
Bread & Butter
Bread and butter
Marmalade and Jam
Let’s say goodbye as quiet as we can (whisper: goodbye)
…loud as we can
…slow as we can
…fast as we can
…high as we can
…low as we can
…nice as we can (big smile!)
