Star Storytime
I love the stars, especially when you’re in the middle of nowhere and they’re so bright it almost feels like you can reach out and touch them. Check out these great star picture books to share with your little ones in a formal storytime or to take home with you for an impromptu storytime with the family! You can also check out the spectacular nonfiction books available about the stars and pick and choose what to share that holds your child’s interest!
Storytime Plan
Bread & Butter
Bread and butter
Marmalade and Jam
Let’s say hello as quiet as we can (whisper: hello)
…loud as we can
…slow as we can
…fast as we can
…high as we can
…low as we can
…nice as we can (big smile!)
- Pete the Cat’s Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by James Dean
- Stars by Mary Lyn Ray
- Stars by Thomas K. Adamson
- Touch the Brightest Star by Christie Matheson
Under the Dark – Jbrary
Under the dark there are stars,
Under the stars there is a tree,
Under the tree there is a blanket
And under the blanket is me!
Five Bright and Shining Stars (Tune: Five Green and Speckled Frogs)
Five bright and shining stars
Up in the dark night sky
Glowing as brightly as they can (clap, clap)
One disappears from sight, as the sun brings its morning light
Now there are four bright and shining stars. (Count down until the sun is up and the stars are gone)
Bread & Butter
Bread and butter
Marmalade and Jam
Let’s say goodbye as quiet as we can (whisper: goodbye)
…loud as we can
…slow as we can
…fast as we can
…high as we can
…low as we can
…nice as we can (big smile!)
