It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 6/17/19
Last Week
You know what gets in the way of reading? Home renovations! We are 99% finished with the new bathroom! Towel rods, toilet paper holder, shower curtain, shampoo, kleenex, etc. The only thing left is to have a few of our photos printed for artwork in the space. But, it actually looks like a real bathroom and I love the way it turned out.
On the same level (split-level house) we’re renovating the family room. It started with cracked ceiling paint and ended with us spending an entire week using paint remover (really stinky stuff) and a very small tool to get as much of the stuff off as we could. Now it’s on to patching holes and filling in any cracks from our house settling. We’ve come to the point of accepting the fact that our house is 60 years old and won’t ever be perfect. But at least an hour every morning and a few hours after work seriously cut into my reading time.
I read a quick YA contemporary romance and an adult fiction magical realism/contemporary, both of which were so fun to read! They were – Love from A to Z by S. K. Ali and Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune by Roselle Lim. Summer for me means reading light-hearted contemporary romance and although both stories had some more intense plot lines, the overall feel was a perfect summer read for me. Plus, I started The Mortification of Fovea Munson by Mary Winn Heider. So, not all was lost!
Reading List for Week of 6/17/19
Summer Reading is starting at my library today and I’ve got a few things to wrap up before heading down to DC for a few days for the ALA Annual Conference. I’m definitely not taking physical books with me (cause I plan on picking up some new ARCs), but maybe this week I’ll get to a few of these great titles on my Kindle:
- Some Place More Than Others by Renée Watson
- All the Impossible Things by Lindsay Lackey
- Roll With It by Jamie Sumner
- More to the Story by Hena Khan
- The Jumbie’s God Revenge by Tracey Baptiste
What are your reading plans this week?

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Check out the hashtag #IMWAYR for reading suggestions from readers across the globe.