Growing Season

Synopsis: “El and Jo are the smallest students in their class—and best friends, too, like peas in a pod. Even their names are short. But in springtime, something BIG happens: Jo starts growing like a weed, while El feels smaller every day. On the last day of school, their teacher asked every child to pick a plant to care for over the summer. All the other kids reach over El to grab their plant, and she has to take the very last one: a tiny, flowerless aster. At first, she’s disappointed. But as summer progresses, the aster begins to bloom—and so does El!”
Review: This is such a sweet story about patience and acceptance. When all her schoolmates tower over her, including her best friend Jo, El is disappointed. Both she and the small plant she cares for over the summer are in for a big surprise as they start to grow taller!
I thought this adorable and diverse story would be perfect for Kindergarten and young elementary school age students who have difficulty comparing themselves to other kids in their class or neighborhood. I love the story’s message of accepting who you are and that growing up happens at a different time for everyone. Share this story with your little one and spend some time planting a few flowers in the garden!
Title: Growing Season
Author: Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Illustrator: Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Publisher: Sterling Children’s Books
Publication Date: April 2, 2019
Page Number: 40 pgs.