Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Make Me Pick Up a Book
- Historical Fiction – I have always loved a good historical fiction book.
- Fairy Tale Retellings – I’m always curious to see how similar and different a new fairy tale retelling will be.
- Pretty Cover – I’m a sucker for a pretty cover – usually some sort of swirl of color in jewel tones – blues, greens, etc.
- Bookish-related story – As a
librarian I’ll pick up just about anything if it’s about reading, books, libraries, bookstores, etc. - Authors I Love – Like most readers, I’ll pick up the next book by an author I love (even if I know nothing about it)!
- Comp Titles – If a publisher puts on comparable titles or X meets Y, I’ll scoop it right up. These aren’t always the best comps, but it does its intended job, gets me to pick up the book!
- YA Romance – These are my go-to for something light, quick, and easy to read.
- Buzz – I’m likely to pick up something if I hear a lot of buzz about it on blogs and through Twitter. I’m more hesitant if it’s a personal recommendation because then I feel somewhat obligated to like it! And that’s stressful for me.
Middle Grade Realistic Fiction – This is the bread and butter of my TBR pile! I absolutely love this genre.- Description/Review – I’ll give just about anything a try – if the
descrioption or reviews sound good, I’ll pick it up. But, I have learned how to put something down if I don’t like it. There are too many books to read to spend my time on something I’m not enjoying!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.