Slice of Life Day 31: One Challenge Down…
I’m so glad I tried a new challenge this year! A lot of my family enjoyed reading the posts and I’ve had more comments on these posts than many of my other posts on my blog.
Tomorrow starts the next challenge on my blog. The Blogging from A to Z Challenge begins! I’ve done this challenge a few times and this year my theme with be Diverse Titles for kids and teens. I’m excited to be promoting diverse authors and illustrators during the month of April. I hope you stop back during April for some wonderful suggestions. Thanks for the wonderful month of blogging!

The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

Book Dragon
It’s been a whole month of slicing and reading others slices, and I am still finding blogs I have never seen – including yours! I just came across yours today and will be revisiting it to read about diverse kids lit.
Congrats for making it to the end of a month of Slicing.
Brian Rozinsky
Bravo for trying a new challenge. All the best as you roll into the next one.
Katie Diez
This new challenge sounds awesome! I will definitely stop by for some more reading. Congratulations on completing this challenge. I can’t wait to see you back here next March!
I feel the same as Book Dragon.. so glad I came across here. I’ll be following up!
Keith's Ramblings
We seem to be walking the same path! I’ll be back later to read your first story
My children’s stories – Are we there yet?