Slice of Life Day 26: A New Jar of Peanut Butter
There’s something about a new jar of peanut butter – smooth and creamy, untouched by the many knives that will soon dig deep to get every last bit.
I opened a new jar of peanut butter yesterday morning and like I do with every new jar, took a quick moment to scoop my finger through it for a taste. I gained this little detail of my personality from my grandpa. Growing up, my grandparents lived about 10 hours away by car, so we saw them once a year, maybe twice if we were lucky. And I honestly have no idea, why this tiny little memory is still so vivid for me.
I remember standing in my grandparents kitchen as a child when my grandpa pulled out a new jar of peanut butter, opened the lid, peeled back the foil, and swiped a little peanut butter on his finger, encouraging me to do the same.
I was thinking about my grandpa this morning when I opened my new jar of peanut butter and thought to check with a few of my cousins to see if this was a real memory or something I made up in my head.
And then last night, I was talking with my mom and without prompting she mentioned that my grandpa did the finger scoop with a new jar of peanut butter! It was so funny to hear this, after thinking about it literally that morning! My grandpa passed away a few years ago and I’m so glad that something as simple as opening peanut butter makes me remember him with a smile.

The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

What a great memory of your grandfather. And one that will probably stay with you for the rest of your life.
Brian Rozinsky
This is a marvelous and miraculous little detail: the perfect jumping-off point for a slice of life.