Slice of Life Day 24: Reading
I didn’t start reading at a ridiculously young age. I started reading in first grade (like most kids my age). But, I grew up in a house that enjoyed reading – both of my parents read to us at bedtime and as we grew up, my mom would take 15-20 minutes in the morning as we were getting ready for school to read aloud. Because my parents were both professors, they would have much of the summer off and I remember them both reading for enjoyment – books newspapers, and magazines. We’d listen to audiobooks in the car as we traveled to see family hours away. Reading was really a part of every day life.
Reading allows me to climb into someone else’s world for awhile. A place to quiet my own thoughts and relax. I never understand when people told me, “I don’t have time to read.” I don’t see it as a choice. When I don’t read for fun, I get grouchy, easily stressed out, and cranky. But, when I give myself 20 minutes to read before bed, I usually sleep better and feel more relaxed.
Are there days when I spend more time than I care to admit binge-watching the latest show on Netflix. You bet. But, I always come back to books, I love being surrounded by them, having a pile in almost every room of my house, keeping one with me in my purse when I’m out and about. Reading is a chance to escape reality, if even for a minute. It’s a chance to understand another’s perspective. It’s how I choose to spend my time and I can’t think of a better one. Because, even just a few minutes of reading is better than nothing and I love it!
Do you have a hobby or something you enjoy doing that you couldn’t live without?

The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

Like you, reading is my go to hobby. And like you, I grew up watching my parents read. My mom is 85 and still finishes about three books a week. I work hard to make sure the kids I teach love reading too.
I often tell my students that reading is the one thing I won’t live without. Sometimes, like you ,”I spend more time than I care to admit bingeing the latest show on Netflix”—think Grey’s Anatomy— but I’ll even forego that if I’ve got the right fall-down-the-rabbit-hole book. Lucky us, right?!
Jen Robinson
It’s all about reading for me, too, going back as far as I can remember. I’m having pretty good success so far in raising my daughter to find reading essential, too.
Katie Diez
“Reading allows me to climb into someone else’s world for awhile.” This line was the perfect example of why reading is so enticing. I always find myself climbing back into a book- I can only binge watch Netflix for so long before i need a break! HA!
I would definitely be lost without my books and reading. Lovely post!
Brian Rozinsky
Reading, for me, feels much like it does for you — a peaceful, calming habit that takes me out of myself for a while and often, in the process, connects me to myself more surely. Come to think of it: skiing, running, and cooking are hobbies of mine that have this effect in common. Thanks for this reminder.