
Slice of Life Day 17: The Ikea Effect

I’m convinced Ikea has found a way to time travel because I spend more time in that place than any other store! We went to Ikea yesterday afternoon for one specific thing, a cute little rolling cart to organize my office space and to get a few ideas for a couple of spaces in the house – a dresser for the bedroom, garage organization, etc.

After winding our way through the Ikea maze of rooms which left me wondering if I could live in 600 square feet. We finally made it through the Marketplace, when my partner got a phone call for work. He needed to file a few photographs for a story and the sooner the better. Then, we were faced with massive lines at checkout. We were directed to the left to stand in a shorter line, that ended up being a really long wait because the computer and the card reader both went down. While other checkout lines were also closed due to broken registers too.

I sent my partner home to submit the photos and I stayed at Ikea waiting in line. In the end, the staff was really nice and I know when technology fails, there is nothing front line staff can do about it. So it probably took me 20+ minutes to check out. But, I scored a free frozen yogurt cone for my trouble. And then I had to wait for my partner to finish up work and get back to Ikea (a 15 minute ride).

While I was waiting, I downloaded Libby (the OverDrive app) to my phone and checked out a book that I was reading the physical copy of at home. So the long wait was made much easier by my library card! That being said, I spent at least three hours in Ikea on Saturday afternoon and I left the store shocked by what time it was!

slice of life

The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!


  • Devon

    Happens to me every time I go there! But it’s always a fun adventure, and that’s awesome you got to get in some reading time 🙂

  • Cara Wegrzyn

    It’s hard not to find your attention drawn to one of Ikea’s many displays. It’s always an adventure. (BTW, I had to laugh at …” which left me wondering if I could live in 600 square feet.” It seems possible when I’m standing there, and yet…) Glad the book you were reading was available online. That sure helps! Great Slice!

  • Jaana

    I like the idea of going to IKEA but not the actual going. Too much stuff! Too many things to look at. You appear to be pretty easy going. You chose to read instead of getting frustrated and mad. Great quality!

  • aggiekesler

    I totally feel ya on the IKEA time warp! This is especially true when you live far away from one and have to get there in bumper to bumper traffic both ways. It’s a whole day gone.

  • Katie Diez

    Oh IKEA….how I love and loathe that place all at the same time….you go in for one simple thing and it takes literally forever to weave through the maze….I was with you the entire time on this! Great Slice!

  • Brian Rozinsky

    I noticed how technology foiled you when Ikea’s system crashed and saved you when Overdrive delivered. Can’t think of a better illustration of the double-edged capacity that our reliance on tech wields.

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