Slice of Life Day 16: Looking Forward to Spring
It was 70 degrees yesterday and one of those glimpses into spring that just makes everyone in a good mood. It also got me thinking how much I’m looking forward to planting my garden this year!
I grew up gardening with my parents. Both of whom have green thumbs – my mom had beautiful flower gardens around the house and my dad was more in charge of the vegetable garden in the backyard. Each spring, my brothers, sister, and I were tasked with picking out a vegetable that we wanted to have in the garden. I think my favorite year was the year we grew potatoes – it was so fun to dig up the plants and see all the potatoes grow underground. When I bought my house, I built a garden that same spring, breaking up sod, buying manure/fertilizer, soil, and peat moss and planting herbs and vegetables.
This year my raised bed walls and corner posts are starting to fail, so I’ve got to do some research to find something a little more sturdy that will last. I love digging in the dirt, planting some little plants and watching them flourish. But, the best part has to be going right out into the backyard to grab vegetables and herbs for dinner.
My favorite things to have in the garden are basil, mint, cilantro, Italian parsley, and a variety of other herbs depending on what’s available. For vegetables, I always have tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, a variety of sweet and hot peppers, lettuce, green beans, and then whatever else I can squeeze into space. Plus, I have a blackberry bush that grows along the side of my house and garden which makes for a wonderfully sweet treat in July and August!
What spring things are you looking forward to?

The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

OH MY…spring won’t arrive here in Maine for quite awhile so I love living vicariously through the slices of those in warmer climates. It gives me hope as I look out at my snow covered field and know that everything will eventually awake from its winter nap.
Brian Rozinsky
In Colorado, spring and winter trade punches unpredictably at this time of year. Your garden description, though, makes me look forward to fresh produce that will start coming my way in May via a farm share, my own thumb being some color other than green!
It’s delightful to hear that your enjoying a taste of spring. I love the colors and freshness of spring – the green leaves above, the green grass below, the yellow forsythia bushes at eye level, the various colors of crocuses, irises, tulips, daffodils, and so on, brightening every spot where they bloom. I too love to garden, but I have a herd of deer that passes through my yard regularly, and so I have fences protecting vegetables, bushes, and young trees. Sometimes, I think it looks more like a museum with plant exhibits than a garden landscape, but so it goes.
My first sign of spring is the appearance of the Lenten Rose plants around my mailbox.
I usually plant herbs in a container on the patio; basil is my favorite. And there’s nothing like a home grown tomato! Enjoy your museum of plant exhibits (I love that description).
Fran Haley
The garden sounds glorious – and a blackberry bush, too! I am looking forward to 1) my baby finches hatching in the nest on the wreath on my front door, 2) longer and daily walks outside with my son, and 3) cookouts.
Redoing my backyard after my pup tore it up.
I have great imaginings, because I so want to look forward to hanging out under my massive oaks after a hard day at work!