Slice of Life Day 7: Why I’m a Librarian
The simple answer is, I can make a difference.
I was just asked this question yesterday for an student’s MLIS degree management class. She had asked me about stakeholders, staff, leadership and a host of other things, but her last question was, “Why are you a librarian?”
And my simple answer is, “I can make a difference.”
A few days ago, I was walking through the Children’s Department and a young girl, maybe six or seven years old and asked if we had any Pigeon books. Now, if you’re not familiar with children’s literature this may be a strange request, but this was easy – she was looking for the Mo Willems’ Pigeon books.
I gladly walked over to the shelf hoping at least one was available and to this little girl’s delight we had two different titles sitting on the shelf. The smile that broke on this little girl’s face, you would have thought I just gave her a million dollars. She literally skipped away from me, hugging the Pigeon books.
That simple interaction is why I’m a librarian. I strongly believe books can change the world and if I can put the right book into the right hands at the right time, that’s what it’s all about!

The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

Thank goodness for librarians! I also love the pigeon books. Thank you for sharing.
Katie Diez
My daughter would love you! She is obsessed with all this Mo at the moment and you would steer her in the right direction for sure! The look on the face of a child while reading something they love….it is such a beautiful moment! I am jealous that you get to see that (hopefully) all day every day!
I’m right there with ya! Reading changes kids for the better.
Brian Rozinsky
Right book, right hands, right time… The more people who know that, including readers themselves and we who support them from time to time, the better!
Susan Arnhold
So true – I have fond memories of reading to my children, before and after they had learned to read, AND the very helpful children’s librarian at our local public library. Thanks for bringing those memories back and for what you do!