Slice of Life Day 6: Most Asked Question
I can almost guarantee exactly what someone will ask me once they find out I’m a librarian. It’s not necessarily annoying as it is an opportunity for me to educate the general public about all the services libraries offer.
The question, “With everything available on the Internet, will libraries still be needed?” Or the much more blunt question, “Do you think you’ll have a job in ten years?”
I’ve been asked this more times than I can count and being that I’ve been in the field since I was fourteen (20 years – yikes!), libraries are, in fact, still around.
Like I said, this is usually my opportunity to educate someone who probably hasn’t been into a library in the past 5-10 years. Libraries are evolving, just like many other entities, organizations, and careers. Are libraries what they were 30+ years ago? Heavens, no. In my opinion, they’re so much better.
Libraries and I’m speaking about public libraries, in particular, are the third place – not work or home where anyone, and I do mean, anyone can go. They’re community gathering places where new moms find a friend and realize they’re not alone. Where job seekers type up resumés and submit applications. Where the homeless can go to warm up or cool down. Where teens can find a safe place to be themselves. Where families can explore robotics and technology. Where access to quality information is available 24/7 with an Internet connection. (Internet access is a whole other story).
Libraries are no longer just a warehouse of books. They’re full of programming opportunities for all ages, they’re outreaching to organizations throughout their communities, they’re resource centers for government services. They’re so much more than just books.
Will libraries persist? If they continue to evolve, then yes. Libraries will persist providing the community a place where anyone can find information, no matter who they are. And that means, I have pretty much the best job in the whole world!

The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!

Here, here
You make a great point. It’s a challenge to adapt to the times, but it is the only way to go. Ask Darwin.
I agree – Libraries are even better now then they were! Some of my favorite memories with my son happened at a library.
Katie Diez
Yes! I love how you are able to show the reader how important a library is in a community. It is very interesting how library spaces have evolved over the years and I remember begging my parents to take me to the library as a child so I could just be with the books.
Kudos to libraries and library media specialists! The heart of a school or community.
Lanny Ball
Yay! Your post beautifully illustrates some of the many things a library can offer. I recently wrote a post on how to ‘shape a path for a reader’ and included making the library part of life as one of the tips. As a parent, I make sure trips to the library are part of my children’s memories, as I see libraries as an essential ingredient. Your post reminded me of drummers in the 90’s who were afraid they’d become obsolete when drum machines were invented… nope, they’re still around! Nothing replaces a human touch, and that’s what libraries give us. Thanks for sharing this!
Brian Rozinsky
Amen: Libraries as dynamic community centers, not just static “warehouse of books.”