Mirabel’s Missing Valentines

“When Mirabel’s valentines fall out of her bag on the way to school, the shy little mouse panics. But those lost cards brighten some days . . . before making their way back to her.
“Mirabel was very shy.
She’d always been that way.
She trembled at the thought of
giving Valentines away.”
Poor Mirabel! It’s almost Valentine’s Day and the shy little mouse trembles at the thought of giving cards away. Yet she carefully crafts her valentines, drawing a heart on every one. In the morning, Mirabel forces herself to hurry to school. But, in her nervousness, she doesn’t notice her bag becoming lighter and lighter: her valentines are falling out! By the time she realizes what’s happened, they’re all gone. It turns out, though, that these lost valentines bring joy into the lives of all who find them. Then, with her valentines back in her pack, and some newfound friends, she musters up the courage to celebrate the holiday after all! This wonderful tale of overcoming insecurity will make its way to the hearts of all young readers.” (Taken from the publisher’s website)
This is an adorably sweet story about a little mouse who unexpectedly brightens everyone’s day when her valentines fall out of her bag on the way to school and are picked up by neighbors and community helpers in her community. Once Mirabel gets to school the kindness of her new friends gives her the bravery to share her valentines with her classmates. Finally, on the way
I thought the rhyming couplets matched perfectly with this cute little mouse who is oh so shy! It’s the perfect story about stepping outside of your comfort zone and being courageous. It’s also about how great you feel when you do something nice for someone else (and not to expect anything in return). This is the perfect way to kick off February – by adding a little more love into the world with Mirabel and her valentines!
Final Thoughts:
Mirabel’s Missing Valentines is the story of spreading kindness and adding a little more love into the world!
Important Info:
Title: Mirabel’s Missing Valentines
Author: Janet Lawler
Illustrator: Olivia Chin Mueller
Publisher: Sterling Children’s Books
Publication Date: December 4, 2018
Page Number: 32 pgs.