
Blogging Isn’t Always Sunshine & Rainbows

Blog Migration

Iblogging on laptopt’s been about a month since my blog migrated to a self-hosted site with its new look. And it has been a blogging journey! I thought the migration was a lot of work (and it was, for my partner who did the majority of the work). I spent hours creating new categories, redefining post tags, and working with my new logo. But, no matter how much you test features, it doesn’t always work the way you want it to when the site goes live. I’m still trying to figure out what size my featured images need to be to fit the titles on each of them. If anyone uses the Ashe Pro theme, let me know how to fix it!

Blogging Issues

Just this week, I realized that I had a much bigger issue than featured image size! Google hasn’t been indexing my website for a few weeks! Which leads me to believe that’s why my site stats have been so low. This finally ended with a few long nights! I did a ton of research to figure out the problem and learning what a robots.txt file was. Then I had to fix the problem using plugins and a whole lot of luck! 

Blogging isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.

Blogging can be super rewarding, but what you see on the public side can be hours of work on the back-end side, making it all look pretty and polished. Thankfully, I have a partner who is willing to help me! Social media is so much about bragging, I wanted to tell you that there are days when there is anger, frustration, tears, and exasperation. If you don’t believe me, check out my friend’s post about how her blog was down for multiple days! What a nightmare! Blogging isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.

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