Connect with Literacious
With a beautiful new format to my blog, I want to make sure readers know how to connect with Literacious, because there are a lot of ways to do so! I’ve met some amazing people in my personal learning network that I would never have known if not for my blog and I’d love to connect with more educators, librarians, and families who love kidlit as much as I do!
If you haven’t already followed Literacious on social media, check me out on:
- Goodreads
- Tumblr (although I’m not sure I know exactly what I’m doing yet!)
You can also subscribe to my blog, by clicking on the menu button on the left-hand side of the screen and scrolling down to “Subscribe via Email.” This will send you an email each time I post new content to my blog (the easiest way to stay up-to-date with my posts).
I’d also love if you’d sign up for my brand-new newsletter! It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now and finally with self-hosting, I can actually do it! All you need to do is jump on my blog and you’ll see a pop-up window with a yummy looking ice cream cone show up. Just enter your name and email address and you’ll be signed up for my monthly newsletter! I won’t be spamming your inbox with stuff, but it will be additional content that won’t be posted on my blog, so definitely sign up for it!

One Comment
Kathleen Burkinshaw
Love your new site! You did a fantastic job