It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 9/17/18
I was so extremely busy this past week! Not only did I worked my normal hours, plus I had a Board meeting Monday night and went to three open houses on Tuesday-Thursday. I ended up coming home at 5pm, walking the dog, grabbing something to eat and leaving again by 6 and then not getting home until 8:30!
Then on Friday, I took the day off and was able to get a lot of stuff done at home – deep cleaned our master bedroom and started demo work on the garage. After that horrible storm we had a few weeks ago, I’m still dealing with water damage, so we pulled out all the drywall and insulation from all the walls and ceiling and we’re having someone come in to give us a quote for spray foam insulation… hopefully it won’t cost too much! I hate spending my entire weekend on a project that’s really not that exciting – I mean the garage isn’t big enough to drive a car into and so it’s a glorified storage space (but it will look really nice when we’re all finished with it!)
Needless to say, I got started on The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart and am really liking it already, but spent very little time reading this week as I was constantly on the move. I’m hoping to have a little more time this week, but we’re finishing up the blog migration and there are just a few more things we’re trying to iron out and hope to have the blog up and running late this week or by Monday at the latest!

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Follow the links to read about all of the amazing books the #IMWAYR