It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 8/6/18
I did read The Science of Breakable Things by Tae Keller – a realistic fiction story about a girl trying to manage the expectations of school with a mom suffering from debilitating depression at home and a therapist dad who’s trying to make everything okay.
I also read Sunny by Jason Reynolds on my new Kindle Paperwhite!!!! My partner surprised me with my new ereader this weekend for which I am super grateful as I was trying to use an ancient Nook that just wasn’t cutting it! I am horribly spoiled by his thoughtfulness and am absolutely loving the crisp look and feel of the Paperwhite. Now to find the perfect cast for it (because I am prone to dropping things and I don’t want to scratch this beautiful technology!)
I also just started reading Nightbooks by J.A. White and am already super intrigued by the premise as it sounds like a re-telling of Arabian Nights, but time will tell if that comparison holds up!
As for the upcoming week, I’m still trying to track down Just Under the Clouds by Melissa Sarno, from another library system because I can’t find it in my county and now that I have the Paperwhite, I’ve got an egalley of The Train to Impossible Places: A Cursed Delivery by P. G. Bell, so I’m hoping to get to that as well! It’s going to be a good reading week, I can feel it. What are you reading this week?
Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Follow the links to read about all of the amazing books the #IMWAYR