KidLit Women Podcast
For Women’s History Month this past March, Grace Lin and Karen Blumenthal charged women in the children’s literature world to create “31 days of posts focused on improving the climate for social and gender equality in the children’s and teens’ industry.” Each essay was posted on Facebook with many days having multiple posts. If your interested in reading the essays, you can check them out on Mishka Jaeger’s website…
Or you can check out the KidLit Women podcast where each woman who wrote an essay will be interviewed by Grace or Karen, or possibly others to talk about their essay, why they wrote about a specific topic and what the KidLit Women project means to them.
What I love about this project is that even when talking about difficult issues, the essays and responses on social media were very positive, offering suggestions focusing on improving conditions, not just complaining about them!
Do yourself a favor and spend some time with Grace, Karen and the entire KidLit Women community, you’ll be glad you did!