#blogbookaday: Bus! Stop! – Literacious
Summary: “”Bus! Stop!” a boy yells, as his bus pulls away one early morning. He must wait for the next bus. But the next one does NOT look like his bus at all. And neither does the next one, or the next. At first, the boy is annoyed. Then he is puzzled. Then intrigued. The other buses look much more interesting than his bus. Maybe he should try a different bus after all, and he’s glad he does! Here is a book with few words and delightful illustrations that shows very young children that trying something a little different can be a lot of fun.” (Taken from Goodreads) Review: A young boy misses his bus as it pulls away before he gets to the bust stop. Soon, another bus comes along, but it’s definitely not his bus, and then another, and another, and another. The other buses coming down the road are much more interesting than his bus, so decides to give something new a try! Personal Reaction: I loved this cute book in a unique size,perfect for showing long buses! The imaginative buses were really cool to see as some traveled on stilt-wheels, one for a rodeo, a ship, a sort of astronaut-training trampoline and finally the bus our main character decides to get on… a very long hot air balloon! This would make a great story to share with kids about being nervous about trying something new, but in the being brave enough to try. You could also pair this story with an activity and allow kids to draw their own kind of bus! Title: Bus! Stop! Author: James Yang Illustrator: James Yang Publisher: March 13, 2018 Publication Date: Viking Books for Young Readers This is a new idea I’m trying on my blog this year that was inspired by @donalynbooks and @heisereads – to provide a brief review of a picture book every day of 2018. You’ll get a brief summary of the story, a review of the content, illustrations and theme, my personal reaction to the book and all the pertinent publication information! Enjoy!
Laura Arnhold