
AtoZ Blogging Challenge – World Travel

alone-camera-cellphone-346760.jpgProgram Name: Around the World

What: We haven’t offered this program yet, but if you had some willing patrons to talk about their trips both within the country and overseas, other patrons could attend who were interested in traveling. Sharing an itinerary, basic information about the area, accommodations, meals, etc. This would be so helpful for other travelers who are ready to make plans.

Where: This is an easy program to offer in a small meeting space as I’m not sure how many people would be attending each presentation.

When: This could be offered throughout the year depending on when people are traveling or returning from travel. I’d say to definitely offer something near the beginning of the year as people begin making summer travel plans around then.

Who: I’d gear this program toward adults, but you could also offer a similar and more simple program for kids based on a local location many kids in your area visit or even a local landmark for people opting for a “staycation.”

How: Ask patrons who enjoy traveling if they’d like to share about their trip – make a quick slideshow with some pictures of the trip and ask them to share anything that was particularly helpful for their travels.


  • We’re currently offering a program called Passport Pals for kids in elementary school where they learn about a new country during every program with activities, games and snacks that correlate to that country.
  • Promote online resources and print material that works well for travel – AtoZ World Travel or AtoZ U.S., plus we have TONS of travel books for countries and cities all over the world.

During the month of April, I’ll be participating in the 2018 Blogging from A to Z Challenge. For this year’s theme, I’ll be offering you a library program plan with everything you to need to re-create it at your own library. Most of these programs we’ve offered in the past, others are programs I’d like to try in the future. I’m always looking for new inspiration and I thought you might be too!

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