
#blogbookaday: The Wolf Who Fell Out of a Book

The Wolf Who Fell Out of a Book.jpgSummary:  “In this illustrated fractured fairy tale for kids, a book falls to the floor and a wolf tumbles out. The wolf needs to get back to his story, but a hungry cat has other ideas. Jumping from book to book, this wolf is on a journey to find a new home (and to avoid becoming dinner). His sharp, pointy teeth don’t help him fit in with the dinosaurs, and his shiny black fur doesn’t get him into the ball. But a little girl in a red hood is waiting for someone just like him to arrive.
For children and adults who enjoy playful twists on a classic story, The Wolf Who Fell Out of a Book‘s colorful illustrations and a “story-starter” ending are sure to keep your imagination turning even after the book is returned to its shelf.” (Taken from Goodreads)

Review: Zoe’s bookshelves were so packed with books that the Wolf’s story falls from the shelf and he slips out of the pages. Now, normally the Wolf is big and bad, but he’s out of his element and there’s a large cat chasing him. He must find a way to save himself in a book that won’t mind having a big and bad wolf in it. To just find the right story…

Personal Reaction: I love fairytale retellings, so this book was right up my alley. I loved how the wolf jumped in and out of stories trying to find a safe space away from the cat until he found the prefect story for him to stay in. Although, I do wonder about his own story… what happened without him there? That would be the perfect follow-up book for the author and illustrator to write!

Title: The Wolf Who Fell Out of a Book
Author: Thierry Robberecht
Illustrator: Grégoire Mabire
Publisher: Gibbs Smith
Publication Date: September 5, 2017

#blogbookaday (1)This is a new idea I’m trying on my blog this year that was inspired by @donalynbooks and @heisereads – to provide a brief review of a picture book every day of 2018. You’ll get a brief summary of the story, a review of the content, illustrations and theme, my personal reaction to the book and all the pertinent publication information! Enjoy!

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