Just When I Think... – Literacious
Just when I think the kid lit world can’t get any better, Jason Reynolds is interviewed by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show and it’s everything I expected and more. If you haven’t seen the clip yet, watch it… NOW! (I’ll wait)—serving-young-readers-with–long-way-down- As he stated, Jason has written nine books and each and every one is amazing in it’s own way. What I love about Jason is that he is very aware of what kids think will be cool or uncool, boring or interesting and he capitalizes on making sure his books are never boring. He’s written everything from contemporary YA literature to Miles Morales: Spiderman and middle grade titles sure to hook even the most reluctant readers. In the interview Jason says, “I am in service to young people. They are not in service to me.” And this is what I think is so remarkable about Jason Reynolds and other children’s and young adult authors and illustrators – they care so much for the kids they right about and for. They aren’t doing this work for fame and fortune, they are doing it to make sure their readers know that they are seen and that people care about them. And as for me, if I can promote these amazing authors and illustrators and get their books into the hands of kids in my community, then I’ve done my part to make this world just a little bit better.
Laura Arnhold