The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Synopsis: After being kicked out of Eton, Henry “Monty” Montague has one last chance to drink, gamble, and sleep around before his ever-disapproving father teaches him to run the family estate or so he thought. Armed with everything you could possible need for a trip to the continent (mainland Europe) with his best friend/maybe-more-than-friend Percy and sister Felicity, Monty makes one more bad decision that leaves his traveling companions without a stagecoach, luggage, or their guide, Mr. Lockwood. What happens next is one mishap after another as the trio have no money, no means of travel and learn more about what the world holds for them. This fast-paced, fun adventure/romance/historical fiction story is a read you won’t want to put down.
Review: A caveat, I read this book literally from cover to cover on New Year’s Day and I can’t think of a better way to spend the first day of 2018. I loved the interaction between Monty and Percy, yearned for them to get together and cheered on Felicity as she became more and more the female character I wanted and needed in this book. I love the fast pace narrative and the travel across Europe as these characters learned more about themselves than they ever would have imagined. The image above is compliments of my photographer boyfriend who took the book’s description and my idea and turned it into a piece that I love. Plus, if you want to hear more from these characters, look forward to The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy expected out in Fall of 2018.
Twitter Booktalk (280ish characters or less): If you’re looking for an adventure with a bisexual main character, a biracial friend/ maybe more and a sister that surprises at every turn, then you need to pick up The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue!
Title: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Author: Mackenzi Lee
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Publication Date: June 27, 2017
Page Number: 513 pgs.
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Jenna @ Falling Letters
I have already placed this book on hold twice and had to return it before I could read it. I think I’ve heard so many wonderful things I’m too nervous to actually read it?
Ah well, third time’s the charm!
It was a really easy read, once I started it I didn’t want to put it down and it was so fun! Let me know what you think of it when you finally get a chance to read it!