Workman Publishing Halloween Giveaway

I’m so excited to be working together with Workman Publishing (they have some absolutely amazing titles coming out on a regular basis – check ’em out!) to bring you my first ever Book Giveaway, just in time for the Halloween season! There are some amazing books that you could win in this awesome prize package! An all ages smorgasbord of titles for Halloween including Sandra Boynton’s newest board book title, EEK! Halloween, a book chock full of glow-in-the-dark paper robots, a book of science experiments for your own mad scientist and all the information you could ever want to know about creepy creatures from around the world! The raffle will be held from Thursday, October 13th – Sunday, October 16th. One random winner will be chosen. To enter, simply scroll to the bottom of this post and enter the Rafflecopter raffle! Good luck!

EEK! Halloween by Sandra Boynton | August 23, 2016 | $6.95 | 24 pages | Ages 0-4
It starts with an uh-oh—the chickens are nervous! Strange things are happening. One chicken saw a pumpkin with flickering eyes, another spied a mouse of enormous size. They all saw a wizard and a witch, and a spooky robot. “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? / Relax, silly chickens! It’s HALLOWEEN!”

Papertoy Glowbots by Brian Castleforte | August 23, 2016 | 196 Pages | Ages 9&up
Origami meets amazing creatures in a book of paper craft fun! Papertoy Glowbots introduces 46 robots that have the added cool factor of lighting up, whether using glow-in-the-dark stickers that come with the book or light sources like flashlights, Christmas tree lights, and electric tea lights.

Frightlopedia by Julie Winterbottom | August 23, 2016 | 224 Pages | Ages 8&up
Combining fact, fiction, and hands-on activities, Frightlopedia is an illustrated A-Z collection of some of the world’s most frightening places, scariest stories, and gruesomest creatures, both real and imagined.

Oh, Ick!: 114 Science Experiments Guaranteed to Gross You Out! by Joy Masoff with Jessica Garrett and Ben Ligon | November 1, 2016 | Ages 8&up
Featuring 114 interactive experiments and ick-tivities, Oh, Ick! delves into the science behind everything disgusting. Stage an Ooze Olympics to demonstrate viscosity and the nature of slime. Observe how fungi grow by making a Mold Zoo. Embark on an Insect Safari to get to know the creepy crawlies around your home. And learn what causes that embarrassing acne on your face by baking a Pimple Cake to pop—and eat. Eww!

Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods by Hal Johnson and illustrated by Tom Mead| September 8, 2015 | Ages 8&up
Illustrated throughout, including eight drawings printed with glow-in-the-dark ink, Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods is for every young reader who loves a good scare. The book was originally published in 1910 by William Thomas Cox and is now inspiringly retold by Hal Johnson, author of Immortal Lycanthropes. The creatures are all scales and claws, razor-sharp teeth and stealth, camouflage and single-minded nastiness. Straight out of the era of Paul Bunyan, they speak to an earlier time in American history, when the woods were indeed dark and deep and filled with mystery. The tone is smart and quirky. The illustrations have a sinewy, retro field-guide look. Read them around a campfire, if you dare.
I would love to win some awesome books for my library.
Becky @ Disney in your Day
My favorite part of Halloween is an excuse to dress up and wear costumes!
My favorite part of Halloween is all of my little patrons excitedly describing their costumes to me, before Halloween even happens!
My favorite part about Halloween is seeing what creative costumes people create.
Jackie Jernigan
My grandchildren and I LOVE…. EEK! HALLOWEEN! My favorite part of Halloween is hearing the children in my storytime tell me what they are going to dress up as for the day. They really have vivid imaginations.
Jackie Jernigan
I love hearing my Story Time Kids tell me how they are going to dress up for the day. They have such vivid imaginations and seem to know just who or what they want to be for the day. My grandchildren and I love the book EEK! Halloween!
My favorite part of Halloween are the awesome Halloween books (and of course the candy)!
My favorite part of Halloween is the awesome books (and of course the candy).