Flannel Friday: Fruit Salad
I made a very quick “flannel board” for a fun wiggle song that I’ll be doing with the kids during Toddler Storytime this summer. I thought Fruit Salad, from Jbrary would make a perfect song for summertime and then thought that some kids may have never seen what a papaya looks like or an actual pineapple. Plus, by adding the words to each image, the kids can see how to spell these words and we can work on basic letter sounds. My first thought was to create these as flannel pieces, but I realized my skill in flannel board making would not lend itself to making a pineapple, plus as I said before, allowing the kids to see the actual fruit is definitely a great idea! If you want to use my pieces, you can open this .pdf file (fruit salad flannelboard) and print them!