Book Review – Drowned City: Hurricane Katrina & New Orleans

I spent some time this morning reading Drowned City: Hurricane Katrin & New Orleans by Don Brown and was blown away by the powerful storyline, images, and facts about how much went wrong in the face of a disaster that could have been much worse. Here’s my Book Review – Drowned City: Hurricane Katrina & New Orleans.
Written in the graphic novel format allows the illustrations to really tell the story of people who lost absolutely everything and yet even at the darkest time still believed and hoped that they could return home.
It’s been ten years since Hurricane Katrina happened and from what I understand, you can still see the effects of what happened that fateful day. But, you can also see how the city has come back from such a disaster, proving that the people of New Orleans are resilient and strong.
Drowned City won a Sibert Honor Medal in the Youth Media awards this past week as a high-quality, informational text. It’s definitely one you should pick up and would make a really useful companion (for older students) to the I Survived book about Hurricane Katrina.
Twitter Booktalk: Drowned City is a powerful story told as a graphic novel of a natural disaster & the strength of the character of the people who lived there.
Title: Drowned City: Hurricane Katrina & New Orleans
Author/Illustrator: Don Brown
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publication Date: 2015
Page Number: 96 pgs.
One Comment
Tracee Yawger
I definitely agree. I read it last week and immediately shared it with Cheri.