Adorable Children's Lit Posters

I know how I want to wallpaper my house now… with these adorable children’s literature posters from Bookroo!
Technically, Bookroo is a subscription service for children’s books, but I am drawn to these simplified book posters and every time they release a new set, I fall in love all over again! The book subscription service work sin 1, 3, or 6 month time slots and contain either two board books or three picture books and it looks like the company will discount your next box as well as alternate between board books and picture books if you have multiple ages in the household. I’m seriously considering this for my brand-new baby nephew who lives far enough away that I don’t get to visit too much! I would love to send him books all the time!
They also have a fun quiz that you can take to test how well you know your children’s books by matching the poster to the title of the book! And it’s not just a few, as of right now they have over 75 posters! So, if there was a way, I’d paper my house in these cute posters, but until then I’ll just hope that we’ll be able to purchase them soon!