
Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I've Read The Most Books From

This was a lot more difficult for me than the past Top Ten Tuesday topics (trying saying that 10x fast).  Anyway, I tried to remember books from when I was growing up and what I like to read now.  A few authors I omitted, because I want to use them for next week’s topic (or they only have a few books available).

  1. Berenstain Bears – When I was little, I think I read almost every one of these books!
  2. Beverly Cleary – I absolutely loved Ramona and read the series over and over again.  But I have also read a lot of her other books as well – Runaway Ralph for example.
  3. Laura Ingalls Wilder – I love historical fiction and fell in love with this whole series and read a number of the books written by her daughter.
  4. Ann M. Martin – Babysitter’s Club, but more so her stand alone books are absolutely fabulous and she’s still writing today!
  5. L.M. Montgomery – Again, I loved historical fiction and still do so Anne of Green Gables was right up my alley.
  6. Michael Crichton – There weren’t as many great YA books (especially in my small library) growing up, so I jumped up to adult books falling in love with Michael Crichton’s books which weren’t only entertaining, but had a lot of research base which I found fascinating.
  7. Patricia Cornwell – I always like watching detective, crime scene shows and Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta novels were so interesting.
  8. Amy Krouse Rosenthal – I love this author’s books and read every one that gets published.  They’re clever and adorable!
  9. Salina Yoon – one word – penguin!  Her books are the cutest books!
  10. Mo Willems – I love his picture books and easy readers!  So clever and so much fun to read.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

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