Raising Bookworms
Brightly, is a resource to help parents and caregivers raise lifelong readers. Although partnered with Penguin Random House, Brightly provides book recommendations from all publishers for children (and adults) of all ages. Check out their Ages & Stages section to find booklists for certain age levels as well as popular topics. Tips & Advice offers just that, tips and advice for caregivers on just about everything from reading comprehension, to meeting illustrators through interviews, and more. There’s even a great section for Grown-Up Reads because everyone knows that kids are more likely to read if they see their parents taking time to do so. And the section marked “Just for Fun”? Has lots of information, facts, and stories that are just for fun!
Brightly definitely offers parents/caregivers a great resource for new book ideas, how to encourage readers at all levels, and offers great recommendations for adults as well. Take a few minutes to explore – you won’t regret it!