Early Literacy Messages In Action
As children’s librarians we all know how important early literacy is to children’s development, but how we portray the significance to the parents and ardians in our community is just as important. Jbrary.com is placing this important message in the forefront of children’s librarians this week with a round up of all the blog posts about this issue on Friday. If you’re interested check out #EarlyLitInAction to see what others have to say!
There are three major ways I try to talk with adults about the importance of early literacy.
1.) Storytime
If you’ve ever seen m storytime plans, I try to make a point of writhing up an “early literacy tip of the week” to share with parents during my storytime. Sometimes it’s specific to a book or theme, sometimes it coincides with our songs, but I always try and make a point of repeating it at least twice during out storytime so parents are more likely to remember it when they get home.
2.) Parent/Child Workshops
As part of the Family Place network, we provide a play workshop for children ages 1 – 3 and emir parents/caregivers. The adults are always drawn to this program for the child development experts we bring in to answer their questions, but it’s just as impotent to highlight playing with toys, talking with children, and encouraging their imagination. I had one mom notice that all the toys we have at the workshop do not require batteries, make no sound and have no lights. I was able to explain to her that toys that make children work (use their imagination) make play time more enjoyable and often later longer because kids engage with the toy rather than passively watch it.
3.) 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program
I love our 1,000 Books log because sprinkled throughout are tips, games, and the reasoning behind early literacy practice for parents and caregivers to do at home. These fun tips and tricks don’t require trips to the store for materials, rather it’s things that can be done on daily basis that fit into your regular schedule.
Early literacy doesn’t have to be something adults have to think about doing, it’s usually things they’re already doing, but now they understand why they do it.