Memorial Day – Books for Kids
Although many people are excited about Memorial Day because they are off from school or work, spend time with family, have picnics, and more, it’s important to remember the reason we celebrate Memorial Day, so here are ten books for kids – fiction, nonfiction, picture books, middle grade and a biography. Sometimes books are the best way to introduce a topic to children and a place to go to look for answers! In no particular order:

I tried to provide a lot of different types of books in this list and there are a number of books that I didn’t add – not because they’re not good, but because the list could go on forever. I added I Am Malala because it can be very difficult to understand living in war-torn area and because this area of the world is talked about in the media so much, I feel that reading a first person portrayal is important. So even though Malala is not a soldier, she’s fighting for her rights and I believe that it’s so important. I’ve actually added 11 to the list – you get an extra one because Hero Dad and Hero Mom although two separate books are just as important – there are many books with fathers who are soldiers, but not as many when mom is the soldier. It’s always important for kids to see themselves in the stories they read!
I included The Wall an older picture book by Eve Bunting because of the impact it made on me when I was young. We went to Washington D.C. every summer – my dad had a conference and my mom would take us to as many places as she could get us to without the four of us revolting because we were too hot, tired, etc. Then my dad would join us later when his meetings were finished. I very clearly remember my parents explaining what the Wall represented and how to be respectful around it. And even as child, I knew that it was important to be quiet as we walked past the more than 58,000 names listed on the wall. I was in awe of how quiet it was and to this day, anytime I get the chance to head down to D.C. I make an effort to stop and remember.
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