Book Reviews and Reviewers
I love books, it’s pretty simple and I love talking to other people who love books too, especially the same types of books – middle grade and young adult books. Every year, I attend the Kutztiwn Children’s Literature Conference held at Kutztown Univeristy. They bring in 3-4 authors and illustrators as well as offering a book review session right after lunch (it’s one of my favorite parts!)
Karen Maurer is a retired youth services librarian who has a passion for children’s literature that is apparent when she talks about books and she gives her honest opinion, not mincing words when it comes to something she’s not fond of. I think for the first few years I went to the conference, her list was made of a majority of books I had either never heard of or ever read. Now, as I’ve gotten better about getting more reading done each year, the majority of the list, I’ve read or at least read reviews of, but she’s always got a few that seem to have slipped through the cracks and are now on my “must read” list.
Oh her top six books for the past year, I’ve only read half! That means I’ve got to add three more books to my list: Catch You Later, Traitor by Avi, The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, and Enchantment Lake: A Northwoods Mystery by Margi Preus.
If you’re interested in seeing more of Karen Muarer’s book review list, check out her blog, Books ‘n’ Stories.

I’ll definitely be checking out her blog. I hate to say that I had only read 1 book on her list, but I’ve found plenty that interest me!
I’ll definitely be checking out her blog. I hate to say that I had only read 1 book on her list, but I’ve found plenty that interest me!