Frozen Party

Yesterday was complete madness as I finished getting ready for our Frozen party last night. It ended up being a huge hit with about 45 kids showing up and at least the same number of adults. I am so thankful that we have a great group of middle school students willing to roll up their sleeves and help out! Without them, we never would have been able to pull it off!
We began the evening with ice skating – paper plates on a carpet floor work really well with the obvious movie soundtrack in the background. After ice skating, we played a freeze dance game where when the music stopped you had to find a die-cut snowflake to stand on. It was so funny to watch and listen because the kids really know absolutely every word to the songs and would continue singing even when the music was paused. And of course, we couldn’t leave out a sing along, which again the kids knew all the words.
After our group activities the kids (and their adults) were welcome to visit any number of activity stations. We had a Pin the Nose on Olaf station with blindfolds and cardstock noses, a draw your own Olaf station for older kids, we made Elsa crowns and Sven antlers at another station. We had scissors and paper available to make your own snowflakes, puffy paint made from white glue and shaving cream to explore, and a snowball toss with giant marshmallows posing as our snowballs. Overall, we planned our party for an hour from 6:30 – 7:30 and I think most families had left by about 7:20. The families were very thankful for such a fun event, and I’m so thankful that everything worked out so well!
Today, I’ve got three meetings back-to-back with just enough time in between for me to not be able to get much done and tomorrow I’m headed to New York for a meeting at CBC.