Stuffed Animal Sleepover Photographs
Our stuffed animal sleepover was so much fun last night! We had three middle school students help out with our storytime, and they each got the chance to read a book and help with all of our songs. They may not be as “polished” holding the book so everyone can see, but that storytime crowd was one of the most quiet during the stories that I have ever seen! The kids loved the music too and we all had a lot of fun! We ended up with 17 kids and their parents – which was the perfect size crowd for this program.
After storytime we got right to work photographing the stuffies around the library and I thought I’d share some of our pictures! This morning it took me about 2 hours to go through all our photos, resize them, print them, cut them out and make sure every child will get three photos of their stuffy! It’s a lot of work, but a labor of love!