Fall Programming Ideas
Although in our area children do not go back to school until after Labor Day, I’m already hard at work finalizing fall programming dates and times as well as beginning to promote events that are upcoming in September. Our summer reading program doesn’t even end until the 29th, so we still have a solid month’s worth of programming (although there are fewer programs) and children are still not only recording their books and reading time, but some are just coming in to sign-up! And I’m sitting at my desk updating story time flyers, getting ready to update our online calendar with fall events, and making sure our website has current information, all the while thinking, “Where has summer gone?” We’ve had a very busy summer with great attendance at all of our programs, but I’m pretty excited to slow things down a little and focus on planning some amazing programs for the fall.
I want to take a closer look at my toddler story time and see if there are ways I can do a few small things to revamp it. I’ve made a few changes here and there, but after doing the same format for the past 6 years, I feel as though it’s time for some changes. I’m going to be taking a close look at adding some new finger plays and new rhymes to story time and making sure parents get the quick tips I give them as we read together. I also want to try borrowing a number of copies of at least one of the books I plan on reading for the week so that each family can share the book together as I read it out loud. I’ve read about this idea (don’t remember where…sorry!) and I think it’s a great way to encourage parents to participate in story time.
Some of the other programs we’re offering this fall:
- Pirate Party (right before National Speak Like a Pirate Day)
- Dance Party for Toddlers and Preschoolers
- Life-Sized Board Games (Candyland & Clue)
- Junie B. Jones Party
- Preschool Explorers (STEAM-focused)
- Sensory Friendly Story Times (for children with disabilities and their families)
- Captain Underpants Party
- Book Trailer Party for Tweens
- Movie Matinees & Nights
- 3rd & 4th grade book discussion
And now after seeing this long (yet incomplete) list… I’d better get to work! I’m excited for a new season with new programs and excited kids!

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Looks like a great line-up of fun.I love how excited you are to embrace the new set of challenges and activities. Thanks for your enthusiasm in what, for many librarians, is a low energy time.You’re inspiring me!
I don’t like being bored, so I’m always looking for fun new programs and I find that (usually) if I’m having a good time planning a program, the kids will have a good time participating! I’ll be sure to post about these events as they happen!