Reading Drought
I have been so busy recently, that I haven’t had time to read. I’ve been at the shore for two weekends, last week my grandmother and mom came to visit (which was awesome!), and this weekend I was in a wedding out of town. Needless to say, there hasn’t been too much time to read, but I was finally able to start back up again this week and boy, does it feel good. I literally get cranky if I don’t have enough time to read on a regular basis. And I found that the best way for me to get some reading in with very little time is through books in verse. They’re such quick reads, you don’t need to devote too much time to them, but are also pretty good.
This week I read A Time to Dance by Padma Venkatraman about a young girl who is a promising dance, until she is in an accident and loses one of her legs. The story then follows her through her struggle of accepting her loss and learning to live and dance again. Veda, the main character, was a very strong character, but in my opinion her recovery was very easy – possibly because her muscles and balance were so strong from dancing, but I felt that there could have been even more of a struggle for her just to begin walking, let alone start dancing. But, I think the verse format made for a very powerful story filled with emotion and it took me only a couple hours to read, which was a great way to jump back into my summer reading pile!
I started reading Steering Toward Normal by Rebecca Petruck the other day and have a pile of books waiting for me when I finish this one. I’m hoping that as the summer programs begin to wind down, I’ll be able to spend a little more time reading and getting ready for fall programming!
Title: A Time to Dance
Author: Padma Venkatraman
Publisher: Nancy Paulsen Books
Publication Date: 2014
Page Number: 307 pgs.

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Kimberly Bears
I hear you! I am having a heck of a time trying to finish one book! I did manage a book on CD due to my 35 minute ride to work and back, but to actually sit with my book…sigh…not yet.
My commute is a 7-minute walking, so I don’t have enough time to even listen to a book on CD. Hopefully you get some free time in the near future where you can enjoy a little bit of summer and a book!
Rebecca Petruck
I hope you enjoyed Steering Toward Normal!