48 Hour Book Challenge

Last year was the first time I heard about the 48 Hour Book Challenge and I haven’t had the chance to participate in it yet. My goal is that next year, I’ll set aside my weekend to try this out. The basic gist is that you said aside as much time as you can in a 48 hour period to read and write up reviews and notes for your blog and for your Twitter accound. You can reach prize levels for 12-23 hours, 24-35 hours, and 36-48 hours of reading. Now, as she states on her blog, this challenge isn’t about winning prizes, but about reading. She also points out that books should be middle grade, young adult, and adult books – a perfect excuse to get lost in some really great books for a weekend!
This year the Mother Reader blog wants bloggers to focus (for at least part of the time) on Diverse Books and the best part is – you can follow these people as they participate through blogs and Twitter (#48hbc #WeNeedDiverseBooks). I’m excited to see what others are reading and talking about and add to my never-ending TBR list.