Sensory-Friendly Story Time Theme: Down on the Farm
Today was our first try at providing a sensory-friendly story time at the library. Unfortunately, no one showed up. I’m not giving up though, sometimes this happens – especially for a brand new program targeting a specific part of the community. Many families that have children with disabilities do not frequent the public library, so providing this group of people with information is even more difficult.
We’re still planning on offering two more for children ages 3 – 5 and then we’ll also offer three storytimes for children ages 5 – 8. I’m hoping that at least someone shows up for our next one! Meanwhile, I figured I’ll share my storytime theme and plan anyway because I’ll definitely be using it at some point down the line. So without further ado, here’s what I was planning on doing!

Lesson Plan
Opening Song: Open, Shut Them
Book: Three Little Pigs by James Marshall
Flannel Board/Folder: “Open Up the Barn Door”
Open up the barn door, the spring goes “Boink.”
There’s a pig in the barn, saying, “Oink, oink, oink.”
Open up the barn door before the clock strikes two.
There’s a cow in the barn, saying, “Moo, moo, moo.”
Open up the barn door, it’s a sunny day.
There’s a horse in the barn, saying, “Neigh, neigh, neigh.”
Open up the barn door, singing, “Tra-la-la.”
There’s a sheep in the barn, saying, “Baa, baa, baa.”
Open up the barn door, while the sky is blue.
There’s a rooster in the barn, saying, “Cock-a-doodle-do!”
Open up the barn door and don’t get off the track.
There’s a duck in the barn, saying, “Quack, quack, quack.”
Rhyme (Fine Motor): Five White and Fluffy Sheep
Five white and fluffy sheep (hold up five fingers)
In the pasture fast asleep (hands under head, lean over)
Their wool kept them cozy all night long (hug yourself)
Snore! Snore! (make snore sounds)
The farmer slipped away with one (hold up one finger)
And sheared the wool till he was done (clap)
Then there were 4 white fluffy sheep (hold up four fingers)
Baa! Baa! (baa!)
Book: Down on the Farm by Merrily Kutner (repeated phrase)
Song: Old MacDonald
Activity (Gross Motor): Yoga Poses (dog, cat, cow, cobra)
Book: Clip-Clop by Nicola Smee (flannel board)
Closing Song: We Wave Good-Bye Like This