
Story Time Theme – Paul Schmid

9780061963315This week our story time author/illustrator was Paul Schmid.  He writes and illustrates absolutely beautiful and adorable stories for little ones.  Unfortunately, these stories were a little too long for my crowd, but would most likely work for an older audience in preschool.  I did blowup balloons for the kids to play with at the end of story time and then later take one home.  The balloons fit into our second story, Perfectly Percy about a small porcupine who loves balloons but can’t play with them because his quills keep popping them.  This was a HUGE hit and I’m glad no one had a latex allergy!


  • Traditional: Put Your Hands Up In the Air & Open Shut Them
  • Yoga: Warm-Up (Rock n Roll, Zip up Spine, Deep Breaths, Cat/Cow, pounce from child pose (lunge forward), Dog)

Book 1: A Pet for Petunia


  • Traditional: 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
  • Yoga: Sun Salutations (Mountain, Reach Up, Touch the Ground, Hands at Knees (flat back), Plank Pose, Cobra, Downward   Facing Dog, Walk Toward Hands, Repeat)

Book 2: Perfectly Percy

Transition (changes weekly)

  • Traditional: Freeze Dance
  • Yoga: Carnivore Poses (Alligator, Lion, Dinosaur, Shark, Eagle)

Book 3: Oliver and His Alligator


  • Traditional: Shake Your Sillies Out Puppet Show
  • Yoga: Cool-down (Bridge, Happy Baby Pose, Star Pose/Deep Breaths) & Namaste

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