
The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop

WHIZZ-POP-CHOCOLATE-SHOP-THEThe Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop written by British author, Kate Saunders was a surprisingly adventurous story for middle grade boys and girls alike.  Another book reviewer described it as a cross between James Bond and Roald Dahl, and I would have to agree.  Eleven-year old twins, Oz and Lily move into a chocolate shop their family inherited from a set of triplets who were chocolate makers as well as the children’s great-uncles.

Little do the children know, their great-uncles were also involved in magic as well as making chocolate.  Soon the children meet an immortal, invisible, talking cat – Demerera as well as an immortal, talking rat named Spike.  Along with these animals, Oz and Lilly and the neighbor boy, Caydon are invited to become a part of SMU (the Secret Ministry of the Unexplained).  Adventures abound as they go scuba diving in the Thames, Oz is kidnapped by his Great-Uncle (one of which is still alive!), they meet an invisible elephant, and their parents are placed under a spell to make them believe the children are at summer camp.

I truly enjoyed the adventure and the characters in this book and I was surprised at the cover art because it didn’t seem to match the story very well.  The cover art is much more whimsical and even happy-go-lucky, while the actual story involves a double murder, kidnapping, and magic.  I know that sounds really dark, but it’s a really good story line.  Don’t let the cover fool you, boys and girls alike would love this adventure story that’s made just a little sweeter with a touch of chocolate.

Title: The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop
Author: Kate Saunders
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: 2013
Page Number: 304 pgs.

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