Top Ten Tuesday: YA Mysteries
Today’s prompt is “Books that Include/Feature [insert your favorite theme or plot device here]” and while I’m intrigued to see what others come up with, I decided to focus on a specific genre rather than theme/plot device. Today I’m sharing some (fairly) new YA mysteries. Like the historical fiction genre,…
Storytime Theme: Orange
I’m updating some of my color-themed storytime lesson plans and today we’re talking all about the color orange! If you missed the red storytime, take a look! This is a bright, cheery storytime theme filled with great books about tigers, carrots, butterflies, pumpkins and more. Whether you always offer crafts…
Read Alikes for Stuart Gibbs Fans
We’ve got a lot of readers in my library who love Stuart Gibbs’s books, especially the Spy School series. Stuart Gibbs is know for creating fun, page-turning stories that are entertaining to read! They are great book to recommend to kids who may be a little reluctant or hesitant to…
Storytime Theme: Red
Sometimes it can be exhausting having to think of a new and exciting theme for storyime and then having to find books and songs and even crafts or extension activities that fit the theme. If you’re not quite ready to go theme-less (and it is possible!), why not try opening…
Top Ten Tuesday: Characters That Have Stuck With Me
While today’s official prompt is “Things Characters Have Said”, I had to adapt it a bit since I am the worst reader when it comes to remembering many details. And if I had tried to find ten things characters have said the list would be extremely disjointed and would have…
Storytime Theme: Disability Pride Month
July is Disability Pride Month! So, going along with my goal to provide more diversity in my storytime themes available here on my blog, I’m sharing some great books that celebrate kids with disabilities because I think it’s so important. I’m going to preface this lesson plan and let you…
Director’s Thoughts – 2/28/25
When I started as a director nine years, I felt strongly that we needed to have one day where most of the staff could come together to learn about the overall vision of the library, work on projects, and spend time together. It’s difficult to share information (I know, I’m…
Parenting Book List: Babysitting
The common phrase, “It takes a village” is so true! I have no idea how parents do these days between full-time jobs, school, extracurriculars, and birthdays parties every weekend, they’re pulled in so many directions! And although my niece and nephew don’t live close enough for me to babysit regularly,…
Storytime Theme: Pennsylvania One Book
Today I’m sharing something that’s close to home for me (and for readers in Pennsylvania!), but I think it’s still accessible to anyone, so I wanted to share it out! The “Pennsylvania One Book initiative is a valuable program that highlights the importance of early literacy development in preschoolers and…
Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set In Another Time
Historical fiction titles have been some of my favorite reads for most of my life. I started reading historical fiction with books like Little House on the Prairie and the American Girl series and now I love to read middle grade and YA titles that expand beyond some of the…